When do the trustees meet to consider grants?
The trustees meet regularly throughout the year to discuss and consider grants.
Are there any application deadlines?
Generally, applications are sent to trustees monthly at the end of each month.
What are my chances of success in my application?
The trustees receive many applications and have limited resources so are unable to make grants to all applicants who meet the criteria detailed elsewhere on this website. Historically, the trustees have awarded grants to 1 in 6 applicants.
What information should I supply on my application?
We would encourage you to inform us as much as possible about your project. Deadlines that you may have. Where the money will be spent and whether this is an ongoing project or a one off.
What is the likely size of any grant?
The trustees make a small number of larger grants each year to charities that they have supported regularly. Very occasionally, they add to this number. Otherwise, generally the trustees make grants of £500-£1000.
Will the trustees make grants towards building projects?
The trustees do not preclude making grants to building projects.